

open my old photo album,, n i miss all my friends.. especially my friends in Jeddah..
i really miss them.. if this world have a real machine time,, i wanna go with it..
back to past..
junior high school,, that's the beautiful memories for me.. everyone said if senior high school is the beautiful memories in life,, but for me it's not..
my SHS is BAD! bad it's not mean im naughty girl or etc..
i prefer JHS than SHS.. International Indonesian School of Jeddah..
every wednesday i always came to school to cleaned OSIS's room.. after that i was dating.. lol n went home when afternoon..
i miss everything in SIJ.. i miss played basketball on the lessons time.. lol
exactly, i miss my ex :D how are you boy?? long time no see you..
essentially, i misssssssss very misssss youuuuuuuu guysssss,, my classmates,, my seniors,, my teachers,, folks of SIJ..
n i miss my life @Jeddah,, miss my home.. a very good life.. very diferrent with today..
Thanks God you ever gimme life like that.. i Love it ♥ ♥ ♥




WELL DONE!! akhirnya kembali seperti semula blog gw.. hahaha
anehhhhhh ga bisa d enter tapi maunya pake "br /"
huhuhuhu capek dehhhhhhh seharian utak atik si readmore cacad!!

hip hip horeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! mandi ah trus edit poto -_-



selamat siangg semuaa :D
gw lagi tergila" ama lagunya bondan prakoso yang "YA SUDAHLAH" hahahaha
keknya gambarin idup gw banget d liriknya pertamanya ~_~

"ketika mimpimu yang begitu indah tak pernah terwujud ya sudahlahhh.. saat kau berlari mengejar anganmu dan tak pernah sampai ya sudahlahhh.."
hahaha sial kek gw banget!
mimpi yang ga pernah terwujud,, hmmm apa tuhh?? ada dehhh something.. :D
ternyata si bondan ganteng yaa.. gw kira jelek abis namanya gitu sih.. hehehe
bingung mw ngapain.. kapalan niyh jempol abis ngupasin kacang.. ckckck
pengen jalan tapi ga ada motor.. hueehhhh..
liburan gw udah mau abis tinggal sebulan lagi.. harus d manfaatin banget niyh..
mantabbhh liburan 5bulan full.. tambah males aja gw.. hahaha
bentar lagi jadi anak kuliahan.. tapi gw g ngerasa tuh..
lebaran ntar mudik pake mobil.. OMG pantat bakalan panasss duduk seharian..
enakan naik pesawat sebentar nyampe.. tapi keuangan lagi ga memungkinkan,, alias sereeeeeeetttt!! jadi jangan minta yang macem".. haha

selamat berpuasaaaaaaaaaa!!

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